The Ouching It Questionnaire
1.What was the catalyst for deciding something had to happen? Why did you start Ouching It?
Something happens that made you CHOOSE to go in a different direction, take action, change. It will be hard. It will involve encountering pain (or dealing with/confronting pain).
2.What happened and how did you Ouch It?
What did you do, what happened?
3.Who did you Ouch It with and what did that look like?
Ouching It can’t be done alone. If it’s Ouching It, it’s done with others, not in isolation. Who was your cheer-squad, encourager, challenger? Ouching It is all about pursuing dreams, thriving relationships, changes - all of which can often be painful and challenging, but the cool thing is that it’s done with others, which causes you to have super great friendships and relationships.
4.What changed after you Ouched it?
Yahoo! Something defo happened. So, what was that? What changed in your life?
5.Where are you at now?
The fact is, not everything is sorted in the area you’ve Ouched It in. It’s not like you just got the job, the girl, the breakthrough and that’s case-closed. So where are you at now? We think it’s realistic to show that the end of the story is often the beginning of another…
6.What do you think is going to happen?
Like, ten years ago one of the original Ouching It crew had a counsellor who asked them this very question (‘What do you think is gonna happen??’) when they were in a rough place and they found it to be a really powerful question. We like the idea that within Ouching It (this Q&A), it gets you to think about where you want to be/or where you think you’ll be in this area, in the future. At Ouching It we like to hear about where people imagine or think they'll be in the future related to the topic they're sharing. We think it’s good and hope-filled to articulate what’s inside your heart about what could possibly come out of your Ouching It experience further on past the story you’ve begun writing/living.
7.What encouragement would you give someone who is considering Ouching It?
You might have a resource to recommend to encourage others to Ouch It. Or you might just have some sage wisdom to pass along about why it’s just so very good to Ouch It.
8. What’s your Ouching It anthem? What song would be on your Ouching It playlist?
Here at Ouching It we love music! Music is super motivational. Here you share about the songs that motivate you to Ouch It or are just a TUNE.